Lender Trees

Prelit Christmas Tree and Bringing the Smell of Christmas into Your Home

The Perks of Choosing a Prelit Christmas Tree

One of the biggest drawbacks that many complain about when they go with prelit Christmas tree is the fact that they don’t have this tree smell in their home. The good news is that this can be remedied! You can easily add in the Christmas tree smell while still getting the benefits of having a prelit Christmas tree in your home! Remember, an artificial tree of this type is going to offer years of use, which is not something that you will get with a real tree! So, just how can you bring in that fresh cut Christmas tree smell into your home?

  1. Room sprays! Around the holidays there are tons of room sprays that are going to have that evergreen smell to them that will remind you of a fresh cut tree. Try to find one that is made with essential oils as these tend to linger in the air.
  2. Consider using Christmas tree candles in your home or tarts that you can burn for hours on end to get that Christmas smell. Mix the evergreen candles with some cinnamon candles in your home for a unique smell that is going to remind you of Christmas no matter what!
  3. Find those car air fresheners that smell like evergreen and stick these throughout your home. You can easily hide them, ensuring that no one can see what you are doing. Be careful where you place these as you do not want the scent to linger well into the summer months, unless you are just a huge fan of the evergreen tree smell!
  4. Specific designed tree scent sticks that go on the tree are also an option. These sticks can be clipped inside the artificial tree so that the smell is coming from your prelit Christmas tree.

Enhancing Your Christmas Tree Decorating Experience

For those who want to make their prelit Christmas tree seem even more real, they will find that putting this scent into their home is going to be a great way of doing this. In fact, with the way that these trees look today, and combining this scnet in your home, don’t be surprised if people ask if the tree is real! Be careful and check out several scents before deciding on one. There are many that are going to seem very artificial and too heavy to be real. So, go for a more docile scent to make it more effective in bringing the smell of Christmas into your home.