Lender Trees

How to Setup 6 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

For those who are setting up their 6 foot artificial Christmas trees this year, there are several tips that you can follow that are going to allow you to set this up without a ton of stress. The beauty of 6 foot artificial Christmas trees is that they are artificial, so you no longer have to worry about the various needles and ensuring that it has water…which takes away a ton of the stress of setting this up. With this being said, here are some suggestions on how to set up 6 foot artificial Christmas trees to make this easier than ever!

The Benefits of 6 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees


1. Be sure that you clear the space that this there is going to be in. The more clear that you can make this, it prevents you from falling on the tree or on the floor, which can lead to injury if you are not careful.

2. Start with making sure that the tree is set properly and then spread out the branches to make this full. Doing this before you put on ornaments is a great start and will mean less work later.

3. Hanging ornaments is pretty self-explanatory. However, be sure that your ornaments are hanging on the tree safely. You do not want to risk these falling off of the tree and breaking later.

4. Garland is something that many people add to their tree, and this should be done after the lights and before the ornaments to make it look great.

5. Always take a step back and look at the tree as a whole. You will find that this is when you will spot empty spaces or even holes in the tree that need to be fixed. Doing this throughout the decorating and setting up process ensures a beautiful tree at the end!